Xtype Media, LLC - Concepts, Design, Sharing, The worlds of web development and innovation collide!
Support Center
  • Apple App Store purchases/refunds
    All Apple App Store purchases and refund guidelines are as defined by the Apple Store terms of service and policies. If you are experiencing an issue with one of our App products please contact our support by opening a ticket for help.
  • How long does it take to have you develop a project?
    It all depends on the size and scope of the project. Every project is unique and comes inherently with a set of problems and hopefully solutions. We try our best to deliver our services in a timely manner but we also strive to exceed all clients expectations. We will not release or back a project that has not been throughly tested and approved for release.
  • How do I view invoices and other project related materials?
    Once your project is approved for development, the contract is signed, and the deposit has cleared/given, the client services portal will be made available to you. In there, you will find different tools that will help you view the design/development progress of your project as well as managing invoices and other materials needed by the developer.
  • What happens if I am experiencing an error or issue with my website, hosting, or domain?
    Open a support ticket and describe the issue that you are having. If you are an existing client and have an active premium support contract with us we will provide you with immediate technical support. If you do not have the premium support contract in place we will still help you through your problems but you may experience a slight delay in response depending on the needs of our premium clients. Please note that if your website is hosted through us, you will have the premium support contract already on your account. All domain issues: Clients must have their registrar information ready and be able to provide with the support representative to further assist.
  • Client Services Portal (Setup/Reset/App)
    The Client Services Portal is available only to current or previous clients with the intent to review projects, billing/invoices, contracts, and other business related documents and(or) transactions.

    Account setup is managed by your development representative who will provide you with a unique single-use access code that will be valid for a set timeframe.

    Forgot or Reset your account settings is simple. Once at the Client Services Login screen choose the "forgot password?" option. You will be taken to the reset page.

    Client Services Portal mobile applications (Android/iOS) users must first create/setup their account via web-browser and then activate their account for use on our mobile application platforms. Also note that not all client portal services are available and(or) may be limited through our mobile application.